Let's Hear It From The Dolphins.

I've never met a dolphin I didn't like.
John Winston.


A Personal Perspective by Lori Tostado

How the Sirians are present on Earth at this time.

The Sirian souls come in many fashions, most as dolphins and whales (the cetaceans), who are the most fully conscious sentient beings on this planet. The reason for this is that as cetaceans, beings don't experience such harsh separation and feelings of isolation from Earth mother and Nature, like humans tend to. Cetaceans are truly the caretakers of the Earth. Humans were meant to share in this role of caring for the Earth and all of life on and in it, but most humans have been "asleep" for a very long time now, and are rapidly destroying themselves as well as Earth and Nature. The Sirians, along with many others, are here to help us change that.

Another way the Sirians appear in physical form on Earth are as human "starseeds," those who have spent most of their lifetimes in a Sirian body but have chosen to incarnate as an Earth human for a specific purpose, either through birth or as walk-ins. Then, there are some who come in as emissaries, who have chosen to spend most all their lifetimes in this cycle as Earth humans, and most of them are or have been in the process of being "awakened" by their Sirian guides on other dimensions. These guides are working with the physical beings' Light Bodies as well as their physical, mental, and emotional bodies, to prepare them to come to full consciousness.

Our relationship to the Sirians:

About two million years ago, the Sirians began adding some of their own DNA to the genetic material of Homo Sapiens' forebearers. They helped create the bodies we have now; so genetically, we are almost identical to them. The main physical differences are that Sirians tend to be taller than we are, with larger and more fully- developed brains, and they live much longer than Earth humans. In fact, the Sirian brain has another lobe above the frontal, much like dolphins and whales have. It allows them to have stereoscopic vision: in other words, they can see inside of an object as well as the outside and opposite side in the third dimension. Also, the Sirians, as well as cetaceans, have tremendous telepathic and psychic abilities. The telepathic comunication is focused through the fourth or heart chakra, more so than through the fifth and sixth chakras. This makes the communication much more loving than words or thoughts alone. The Sirians also helped genetically co-create the dolphin/whale forms, and that is one reason many Sirian souls are so attracted to incarnate on Earth as cetaceans. They love to joyfully become their co-creations. The Sirians who are in etheric or in their native form are now working with many of us not only on activating and opening our five higher inter-planetary chakras and portions of our brains that have been dormant, but they are also working on our genetic structure. Human DNA is going to be shifting back to its original twelve-strand helix from the current double strand. Now for those of us who are adults, our DNA in our bodies will not be changing much. But for those of us who have small children or will have children in the not-too-distant future, the Sirians are working with many of us to actually change the DNA in our ova and sperm. This will then make sure the children are being born with their full 12-strand DNA and automatically already have the ---frastructure within their physical bodies for being fully conscious. Therefore, they will not have to be "retro-fitted" like us adults.

The Sirians are members of a large Galactic Federation, and some time before our so-called "recorded history," Earth used to be a part of this Federation also. There are claims that differ from source to source on what happened that caused humans to either leave or be left out of the Federation after some sort of genetic manipulation disaster. But now, Earth is coming into a great change, and it seems everyone wants to be here to see what happens, some as participants like the Sirians, and some as observers. After the Ascension, Earth will once again be an active member in the Galactic Federation.

Part 1.

John Winston. johnfwin@sonnet.

Original file name: 95.09.11 Dolphins